
Hey, it’s Chuck and Erin here. We’re suckers for gourmet cooking, but don’t like wasting food we’ve bought. How often have you purchased that one obscure special ingredient you needed for a weekend dinner masterpiece, only to find it neglected in the back of the fridge months later?

Sustainibbles is about cooking with common ingredients and finding broader purpose for the obscure ones you’re not sure what to do with. Be flexible and inspired to use what you have in your own pantry, fridge, or garden.

We believe a simple meal can be as enjoyable as a complex one, and there are places for both in our kitchen. We want to share with you effective corners we’ve cut to save time, cost, and food waste, without making you scroll through our life story. We’ve included a little bit about our inspiration for the recipe at the end of each post, for the curious.

Our food heritage spans Eastern Europe, Italy, China, and of course Brooklyn, NY. Based in Vancouver, Canada, our most frequented local restaurant is Ask for Luigi. Chuck’s favourite piece of camping gear is his flask and Erin’s is her Primus stove. Chuck knows every line in The Matrix, while Erin knows every one from The Fellowship of the Ring.

We hope you enjoy our recipes!