Not All Heroes Wear Crêpes

Another good one for your sourdough discard

August 08, 2020


  • 1/4 cup butter, melted
  • 1/4 cup soy milk
  • 1 cup sourdough discard
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • (Optional) 1 Tbsp maple syrup, sugar, or honey for sweet crepes
  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil


Crepe Batter

Blend the crepe batter ingredients (1/4 cup butter, 1/4 cup milk, 1 cup sourdough discard, 1/2 tsp salt, 3 eggs) together until batter is smooth and fully combined. We used an immersion blender with a whisk attachment, but whisking by had or using a blender work, too. The batter should yield 2 full cups.

Set batter aside and let rest for 5-10 minutes.

Making the Crepes

Heat a good non-stick pan over medium heat. With a paper towel, grease the pan by evenly applying a thin coating of coconut oil over the surface, being careful not to burn yourself on the hot pan. Keep the towel for later to re-apply oil as needed.

Pour about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of batter into the pan you'll figure out the optimum amount of batter as you go. Immediately but carefully swirl the pan by the handle to evenly distribute the batter on the bottom and a small way up the sides of the pan. This should give you a thin, round coating over the entire bottom of the pan.

Let the batter cook undisturbed until the top side is almost dry to the touch and very lightly browned on the bottom, roughly 1-2 minutes.

With a rubber spatula, loosen the edges of the crepe. Slip the spatula under the crepe and pinch the opposite edge with your other hand to then flip the crepe fully onto its other side. It's an art that you'll figure out as you go along.

The second side should cook for 30-60 seconds. Remove by loosening the sides with a rubber spatula and sliding the crepe onto a plate.

Repeat as above, making sure to apply coconut oil between scoops of batter, until all the batter is consumed. Once all the crepes are made, they can be rolled, folded, filled, and topped to your heart's content.

4 rolled savoury crepes with drizzled balsamic reduction and basil garnish

As we've hopped on the sourdough hype train (though still have yet to make actual sourdough bread), we've discovered that it's a pretty big club. Almost every outing we have friends who have another suggestion for what to make with it. A friend divulged one of his favourite recipes for the discard was crepes where we didn't need to plan or let anything sit overnight.

The first time we tried this, we fried tomatoes and swiss chard while making the crepes. Placing the tomatoes, greens, and cheddar cheese slices in a line down the center of the crepes, rolled them up, and topped with balsamic reduction. We left them rolled and on a pan at low heat until all the crepes were done and ready to be eaten together.

We've also tried these savoury crepes with simple chocolate-hazelnut spread and found they were the right amount of sweet, but you can try adding sugar to the batter as well.

We'd like to thank 'Butter for All' for their simple and excellent Soft and Chewy Sourdough Crepes recipe.